Friday, May 27, 2016

blu vivo 5

- [voiceover] previously onescape the night. i hosted a party at my estatewhich only exists in the year 1920. there, a friend was murdered by the evil force that hauntsit. - what the heck is going on? - he said he was poisoned! - [voiceover] we now haveto recover four mysterious artifacts if we want to get backto 2016.

(electricity crackles) - please don't do this, please! - shut up. - we didn't do anything! - shut up, i need, i need to think! - it's time. - no, no! - no, no, no!

(metal clanks) (screams) - we'll need more. - the machine needs to berecharged. it requires more electricitythan a small city. - try using this. - once i place the object in themachine, it may be impossible toretrieve. - it's better that way.

(suspenseful music) (dramatic music) - boom, the car blows upand you see this guy-- - [voiceover] loud, crackingnoise, everybody screams. - what if we actually were inthat car? - [voiceover] oh shit! - we have to leave! - oh my god. - okay, what just happened?

- [voiceover] need some help? - [voiceover] i don'tunderstand what just happened. - i can't believe it! - wait a sec, was that thedriver? - yes, he's just laying on theground! - literally right outside. - i'm not getting near that carat all! - we're stuck. people are going to die,and all i'm thinking about

is i need to make sure that itisn't me. here's the thing, i'mtrying to get back to 2016. we've got to find the fourartifacts, or we can't go home. that's really what it comes downto. - well somebody's gonna die. maybe we could just decide whogon' die. - no, oh my god! she wants to kill us! - people are going to die,regardless.

it said that we have to votepeople in to who's gonna do thechallenges. - i wanna get the hell out ofhere. i don't know about you guys, but i haven't checked myemail in like 48 hours. - what do we know? - okay, well we know fromshane's pocket that that symbol that was onthat square is what's gonna lead us to ournext clue.

- so we got to look for more ofthose symbols throughout the house. - oh what? my wallet was in the car! - okay, you know what? i think that we should justlike start looking now. - so should we just split up? - i think we should split up. - oh my god, splitting upis never a good idea, okay?

- how much time do we have? - until the sun comes up. - what? - we have the one night, or we're stuck in 1920. - why are we standing here? let's do it. - we need a clue. - there, there.

- sketchy sarah walks in with abox and the last time shewalked in with something it was a head, so i'mnot feeling too great about this next situation. - this arrived in the postearlier today. (screaming) - [voiceover] what the hell isthat? - what the hell is that? and there is a flipping hand inthere.

- all tatted up. we're trying to figureout what's going on. maybe these tattoos areclues for something. - [voiceover] did thiscome from the bayou? - [voiceover] look what it says! - what does it say? - her essence can speak toyou through the spirit board. - i don't mess with boards. - spirit board!

- her essence can speak to youthrough the spirit board in the library. - so she can speak to usthrough the spirit board. - giving you clues,however it requires great strength to speak from acrossthe grave and can only occur once an hour. so she's kind of like alifeline. - okay, may i make a suggestion? someone should act as the voice

and read the invocation. - we call you now to bless ourmeetings. heavens promise our spiritsthrive so now for the livinglet the dead come alive? (yelling) - stay away from all spiritboards. i don't mess with it. i don't want to open up thatdoor and give the ghost a littleway to peek his way in

and then haunt my life forever. - greetings spirits. speak to us. (ominous music) oh my god! it just lit up. i'm not even joking, this justlit up. - what should we ask? what should we ask next?

- [voiceover] wait, hold onthere's b. - [all] o. k. - [voiceover] book! - [voiceover] s. - [voiceover] books. - books, we need to look at thebooks. - the spirit board spells outbooks. we're in the library so thatcould mean

anything, there's bookseverywhere. - i just hope that icome out of this alive. (eerie music) - [voiceover] that's gotta beit. what's on the side? - [voiceover] i'm gonna takethis. - so, i'm not sure if i wassupposed to open the cabinet, but thereis a symbol here, on the chest,

and it's got a lock with asymbol on it. - [voiceover] so we need a key. - no, we need a code! - all right, so the codeis probably in the book. - [voiceover] wait, holdon, hold on, hold on. this, yeah, this has a number onit. - but that's another book-- - that's another one here,where's the other book? - [voiceover] yeah, so get theother book.

- look, it's got this cool. that's a symbol. - this is the first book. - this is five, five. - but look, they both havearrows, look. - wait, i have one. i know where there's one too. there's one in here. guys, i have a book as well.

- this is some demon stuff. - piece by piece, everyone isfinding these books that have that same marking andwe realized that we need to take all these, put 'em onthe table, and really figure out what weneed to do with these books. - wait, maybe it hassomething to do with this? one, two, three, four,five, six, seven, eight. there's five here, we need threemore. - [voiceover] hold on, i've gotone more.

- okay, we need book one andtwo. - [voiceover] guys, ifound the other book. - [voiceover] so we need onemore. - we're searching everywhere. it's this book we needto find with the symbol. i'm looking at this grandfatherclock, it has cabinets. no one is looking in it. i open up the door and i foundit! - [voiceover] where?

- it was in the clock. - [voiceover] oh my god! - [andrea] i was so happy! - so we find all the books, weput them down on the table, andi realize that they're obviously all numbered andthey all have different arrows. there's lots of different dialson the box where that hand is and we realized that from thebooks,

it actually tells us exactlywhere each dial has to be. down, right. left. right. up, and up. (cheering) - [voiceover] three five fourseven three. - [voiceover] what the, guys? - [voiceover] five four seven.

- five four seven! - it said three five four seven. - [voiceover] three five fourseven. - bring it over here! three five four seven. - three. five, four. - chess pieces! - chess pieces.

- chess pieces? - i'm so confused and idon't know what's going on. - chess board over there. - [voiceover] oh, oh! - [voiceover] let him read, lethim read. - 30 men and only two women, but they hold the most power. dressed in black and white,they could fight for hours. the ladies need to find aperfect pair,

a handsome knight ontheir right with a flair. - who knows we had to playchess? i wish we had a dumber ghost. we'd probably be out of thehouse by now. - yet one of theseladies is in deep sorrow. her white bearded husband willnot have his home tomorrow. because a vicious bishop-- - [voiceover] bishopis gonna get the king. - that's these.

- okay. - chess isn't really my game. i'm more of a yahtzee guy, or aguess who? that's my shit! - so you need to move the bishopover to-- - took his house abeautiful, medieval castle. - so, would these beconsidered the castles? and then the bishop justgoes and takes his spot. - oh he takes the castle, yeah!

so push that off. take that. (gasping) - we did it! - oh my god, what? - that scared me so bad. - today's experiment was asuccess. the machine was able to consume the life force of two collegestudents

and produce an ungodly monster. however the machine'sdemand for power is endless. i'm using an ancientartifact with an, artifact, that's what we need tofind, with an origin i do not wish to know as a source,but it has come with a price. my mind can no longerdistinguish between reality and nightmare. i've locked the key to themachine inside the green cabinet in theballroom,

but my scattered mind cannotrecall where i left the combinationon the first floor. all the thoughts i canhold are the four elements of triangles i learned as a boy. fire, water, air, and earth. - we find this leaflet withfour different elements on and we decide to split up. - please everyone. - [voiceover] so we covermore ground, and try and find

them all as quickly as possible. - okay, fire, water, air, andearth. - think of something that istrying to hide in plain sight. - but look for a number, 'causewe're looking for a code. - [voiceover] this is like myfirst ipod. - lele actually pointedout this metal object. - air? that air? - obviously we've neverbeen to the 1920s so we had

no idea what this thing was. - yeah look, here's thesymbol of the box here. - what do we do? we have this wooden box withthese like daisies or tulips in one side and a hole in theother. we have to put something inthere. - what would fit in there? a lightbulb? - we go into the study, andthere's this fan turned on.

wind? is wind one? - well, the fan is on andthere's air. - look, the symbol's on the fan. - okay, all right. - yeah yeah yeah yeah, look. - [voiceover] are we gonna diehere? - we might. - [voiceover] because i don'twant to die in the '20s.

- oh i found a clue! - [voiceover] you, no! - no, i found it, it's right onthe back. you were right from thebeginning. it was just on the back side ofit. it turns out that item thati dismissed at the beginning was actually a heater. - this is water. (gasps)

oh! eventually we realized thatwe needed to pour water in it. how much water are we gonna putin there? we're pouring the water in andit just feels like it's a black hole. it's eating it! it just sucked it all down. like the water is just going in and nothing's happening.

- where did it go? - i don't know. keep filling it. - more? - yeah. - so wait, what's the number? - [voiceover] it's probably onthe thing. - [voiceover] what thing? - [voiceover] on the blade.

we need to turn it off. - here, put your finger inthere. - no! and cut my finger off? eight. - eight! eight, we found it! we got it, eight, guys! - guys, we have one!

- this is my clue, actually. - oh you take the clue, you takethe clue. - i'm not really a big fan oflele. this girl is the problem. - where is this going? we are obviously notdoing something right. - we put the water in the wronghole. - oh god, this is not a goodidea. this is not a good idea!

that was the worst idea ever! - we need to plug it in? - should we plug it in? - i don't think we need to turnit on. there's no bulb in it. - well it's a heater, so itradiates heat. - what are you doing? - are you fishing? you're plunging?

- what is that? - i've got it, i've got it, yes! yes, yes! - this is five. this is five. - three, number three. - three, guys we got three! - we have five.- five! - we have five.

- finding earth is moreof a struggle, you know? it's dark outside, wehave these little dinky flashlights that don't reallywork. - this looks sketchy, thisis a basement situation. this one's open. i don't want to look in there. i'm scared! - [voiceover] do you wantto get trapped in the 1920s? - [voiceover] no, i reallydon't!

i want to go to 2016. - i'm kind of feeling like afterthe club when you're drunk and you'retrying to get your phone to text a booty call but thenyou're drunk texting your ex. that's how i'm feeling. - what's this? - [voiceover] what is that? it's a handprint, it's ahandprint. - it's two handprints, ooh!

- in the dirt, in the dirt. - i think it's a box. it is a box. here we go. - two. - dirt, two. - dirt two, guys! we got it! - okay so three, five.

- guys! - [voiceover] you guys have it? yes! - we got it, two! - two, okay two, three, andfive. eight, eight is air. - so all the groups come backtogether and we each have a number which correlates to the combination ofthe lock.

- [voiceover] we got it! - awesome, good work. - open it, open it! oh my god, oh my god. what is it? - what is it? - [voiceover] read it out loud! - the ungodly machine is in thebasement, oh god, not the basement!

- ungodly machine, i mean, what is that? - the cog key willignite its wicked engine, but understand once themachine has been started it can only be stopped bythe loss of an innocent life. two guests must be selectedby the vote of the group to be locked in the machine, then those two must each choosea partner who will aid them indefeating the machine.

- i'm not going in the basement. - timothy is one of 'em, 'causehe just killed everybody so he deservesto die. - i don't-- - you're gonna need this. - i don't kill my friends. - yeah, i think we need tolay off timothy, all right? - i have a method for voting. please, have a seat.

here is how the final votingwill work. each one of you will write downthe name of the person you wantto attempt the final task and put it in this hat. i will then draw twonames who must face death. please, discuss this amongstyourselves. okay, come with me. - i mean this is crazy. like, what dinner party do yougo to

and you vote two of your friends to go in a basement andfight a bloody machine? that just doesn't happen! - i kill people forbusiness, not for pleasure. - out of all of us, youare the worst one and so-- - but, the best dressed. - okay, with an attitude too. - you guys are very quick tothrow stones from over there. lele needs to go.

as soon as we got into themansion, she was accusing tim of being amurderer. - i think we should form analliance. - me too, but who do we kickout? - someone who's useless. - andrea. i feel like andrea just is inthe shadows. like she's not putting in likeeffort. - i'm the one finding all theclues here.

i cannot die, we'll all die. - eva, she was the last personwith shane and he's dead. and she still hasn't explained-- - what happened. she just said she was in thebathroom. - she was not in the bathroom. - okay, so let's go with her. - i'm choosing matt. he's just very bipolar.

i don't like that. - okay, i think we knowwhat we have to do. - i don't feel safe. like i feel like myname could go on there. people are starting to comeafter me because i invited people here. - andrea? lele. - [voiceover] oh my god.

- wait, what, wait, so thatmeans i go down in the basement? all the sudden, my namegets pulled out of the hat, and i'm just like, what? - yes. - you get to pick your partnerfirst. - and the partner solves theproblem. for you. - our partners have to try tosave us and whoever succeeds first wins

and the other one just, idon't want to even imagine. - [andrea] i'm going to pick-- - please don't think thati am gonna be any good at going down in the basement and fighting an ungodly machine. - justine. no, i'm an idiot, you don't wantme! - i'm not sure if i trustijustine to put in 100% to save andrea right nowbecause i kind of feel like

she's part of the reasonthat andrea's going into the machine in the firstplace. - so andrea picks justine. - okay i'm picking eva, youknow. - lele picks eva. - i chose eva 'cause she is ajournalist and she's very clever and allthat stuff. - i'm gonna get the challengedone and we're gonna get out of here.

- down the stairs. - are you serious right now? - oh no. - this is like saw. - until dawn. - i've seen this stuff in moviesand nobody comes out alive. i regret coming here tonight. - ladies. welcome to the ungodly machine.

- why do you even have this downhere? - please read the directions. - to free the artifact fromthe bowels of the machine, it must be forced intomalfunction. the two guests selected by vote must be locked in aseparate glass chamber. the machine is startedby placing the cog key in the center console. basically, the first person toget

the machine to malfunction gets the person out of theirtube. however, the other chamber willfill with a noxious gas killing theguest whose partner was not quickenough. if after 30 minutes themachine has not malfunctioned, both guests will be killed bythe machine and a monster will emerge? - it begins.

what? this is not even in english. it's just all these weirdsymbols. - i'm freaking out. i'm just praying here. (speaking spanish) - the blueprints havethese different levers so we have to lift thelevers up and the levers down and you have to get themthe correct combination.

so, each lever has acorresponding little code that's matched up with adecoder, so we have to decodewhich way the arrows go. d13, so you just have to matchthem up. do i gotta push harder,is something not right? (sighs) girl, i'm trying. and it was just getting so crazybecause our time was running out.

- [voiceover] eva hassolved the first step. - we're in deep shit. - okay, but ahh! - i'm doing a pretty good job and i'm feeling prettyconfident, almost a littlecocky. - i'm gonna die in here. - i'm doing exactly whatthis is telling me to do. - i get to this point wherei have to stick my hand in this vat of ice water?

remove bolt, okay i gottaunscrew this. oh, it's so cold. my hand is getting numb rightnow. i'm just unscrewing, unscrewing. - girl, i can't get the bolt. - [eva] finally, it breaks free. - you can do it, eva! - and i move onto the next step. - this is ridiculous!

- kinda sketchy though. justine wasn't taking off herglove when she was doing this. - i'm getting really fussy! really, really fussy! - you gotta hurry. - i have to take the screw andun-bust open the, like, i guess. - eva, you got this! - control center of thismachine.

- girl, you want to give me ahand? did you actually take this boltout? - don't tell her anything! - it's all of theseconnectors with blue to blue, red to red, yellow to yellow. i have to essentially putthem all back together. i'm doing pretty well until iget to blue. i don't know where blue goeslike at all. at this point, i'm just stickingit into

literally every single hole. - [justine] oh god, i did it! - oh yeah! - hallelujah, the bolt has beenremoved. - dang it, like i was so farahead and now she's catching up to me. oh god! - oh my god! - eva's done it.

justine, i'm sorry. andrea did not survive. oh my god. - caused the machine tomalfunction, and it will now produce theartifact. - i'm very sad for andrea,but i'm very happy for me because i didn't die. trust me, she's in a betterplace than i am right now. because this house is thedevil's house.

- they're coming. - i hope that lele comes backfrom the ungodly machine. i really do. - if lele comes back up rightnow, you might see my head on thenext platter. - i survived! and now you're all happy aboutit. - they all know that i voted forlele, so they might just go tell lelelike,

yeah, he had it out for you. let's vote him in next. - i knew it, i knew it, i knewit! - andrea's dead! - i seriously tried. like i honestly did everything. i think i was sabotaged. - what did you have to do? - there was like this bigcontraption

so then we had to go downand solve all the puzzles and she solved hers super quick. i did the same exact thing,but nothing was working. - ehh, ehh, ehh. - it's super obvious to me thatjustine wanted andrea to die. she totally didn't playto save andrea's life. she set andrea up. justine is the rat, i know it.

you let my friend die, justine. - maybe she needed to go,honestly. what is she even doing here? - [voiceover] i love you! - you killed her! - all i'm saying, we were overthere trying to open up that lockand i was like oh hey, fixer. why don't you fix the problem? and she was like, mm.

didn't even try to help. and that's where i got a littlebit upset, so you know what? - [voiceover] so you killed her? - and the people get what theydeserve. - who's the fixer now? - ijustine might have saved me, but she doesn't look verytrustworthy. - we got an artifact,which is one of four. - gosh, it's heavy.

- she pulls out this artifactthat was like, i've never seen anythinglike this. - only three more artifacts tofind. - the artifact goes up on themantelpiece and i look over, andin the corner of my eye i can see a bit of paper. - you've been warned. one among you in leaguewith the evil of the house. - someone's working with theevil?

- [voiceover] guys, who is it? - it's not me, because i almostdied. - it's your house. - so who's the rat?

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