christian trozinski: hello and welcomedear viewers of to a new video special. today, i want to show you three very special tvs, namely we have on the left sidethe 75-inch sony kd75x9405c, in the middle the samsung 65js9590 and on the right side thepanasonic 55cxw804. why we show just these verydisplays here in combination has a simple reason, because all these tvsare direct led lcds
with local dimming, that means, all three tvs featurea full-screen led backlight and individual sectors can be controlled independently in the brightness,in order to increase the contrast. the second characteristic is that allthree tvs are compatible to the new hdr standard. hdr means high dynamic range and will be available, for example, via the streaming servicesamazon instant video, netflix,
but also on the uhd blu-ray from the end of the year on, that means, it is no longer just a matter of having as many pixels as possible, but it is a matter of coveringa brightness range as large as possible. a much, much larger brightness range, as it is the case with the current video signals. now, some might ask:why have you omitted lgs oled tvs here? the reason is simple:
the information comes directly from lgand is therefore not our presumption: the current generation of lg's oleds is not fully compatible to hdr.this involves the newly introduced eg9609 models. these will get an hdr-update, however, this only applies to the online streaming andrepresentation via the usb media player, lg itself has informed us,that via hdmi input hdr is not supported by the tvs.
the second problem with the oled tvsis the image brightness, that means, we have here abrightness range of approximately 130 nits for full-screen image display, up to 400 nits in the luminosity of small details. this is insufficient for the new hdr standard, there will be delivered up to 1000 nits, or the material will be mastered in up to 1000 nits brightness. this provides in principle that thetv you got at home
should be able to manage approximately these 1000 nits. subjectively, we believe,that oled has no problem to process the hdr signal, but that's not really the intention, because we could already examine many, many hdr prototypes in the laboratories of the tv manufacturers that run up to 4000 (!) nits, and the image impression is justcompletely different from an oled, converting the signal and outputs it in 400 nits. the performance of the three tvs we have here
differ, of course, substantially, because they have also different price points. we now just start with the screen on the right, the cxw804 of panasonic, which from 55 inches on provides a direct led backlight. the 50-inch model gets along with an edge-led lighting yet. here are brightnesses achieved up to 580/600 nits. the direct led local dimming
operates in estimated 16 zones. this was not quite easy to analyze this really one hundred percent, but the backlight control just gives the impression thata distinction is made between left-right, practically two columns plus eight lines. so, it is relatively easy for the tvto darken black bars, but the left-right subdivisionis very, very rough. if you, for example, display a small object in the middle thecomplete screen width is illuminated.
the tv in the center is thesuhd flagship of samsung. here, top brightnesses up to1,000 nits are achieved, so far more than with the panasonic. in the color-calibrated mode about 900 nits. for this display it is relatively easyalso to increase the detail contrast, because here we got 150 differentdimming zones. the dimming runs comparatively filigree. the 78-inch version of this tvhas 240 dimming zones. the test model is unfortunately no longer here,but we were able to test it already
and could detect 240 dimming zones. even converted to the screen size you then just have to say that the 78-inch version of the js9590 has therewith the currently best local dimming control. but the drawback is that the '78 by no meanshas the luminosity of the '65. left we have the already mentionedx9405c of sony in 75 inch. here gigantic peak brightness are achieved even in the color-calibrated mode. here we manage around 1,300 nits and the local dimming workshere in about 84 zones,
that means, we have detected here 14 columns and 6 lines where it is dimmed. at the beginning let's look at the black level performance of the tvs. the special thing about this test image is, that we here have a very extensive image display and that the signal electronics can interfere with. at the moment you see the correctrepresentation of this image area, that means, we have here a gray boxsurrounded by a black picture frame. to bring the black level performanceacross to you properly, i now switch off the ambient lightand set the camera
into overexposure, that means, the box in the middle will appear very, very bright to you. i think now it is relatively difficult for you to see which display, in this particular case, provides the better black level performance. in any case, the panasonic on the right shows a low lightening, due to the dimming in only two columns. that means, this rectangle in the middle causes even at such an image forslight brightening in deep black. to the eye it is still obvious,â that the samsung in this case
shows a slight brighteningin deep black, too, while sony comparatively wellreduces this brightening and shows for the mere perception the best black level performance. so if we use here a very extensive image display, this signal processing and this led control seems subjectively to be the best with the sony. in this picture here i can show you well how bright the displays are compared to our room lighting.
at the moment i set the exposure so, that you can understandour room lighting very well, how bright it is now actually in the test room. you notice already that the image brightnessin all three tvs is now too much for our camera, not for our eyes. we can recognize here in the test lab all details without any problems, but not our camera. i have to stop down here now. now you can see all the details in thepictures, you also note,
that our camera sensor reacts completely differently to the light generation of the samsung tv compared to sony and panasonic, that means, we have here always this typical blue violet staining, which is never visible to the naked eye. what is secondly visible is
that samsung, although the tv is very very bright,reduces this optical contrast or this surface brightness more than, for example, panasonic and sony. the sony is in the surface brightnessby far the brightest tv, but then comes alreadythe cxw804 by panasonic, while samsung prefers to automatically dim down the imagewhen extensive images are shown. by comparison samsung still reaches
about 400 nits at this image,panasonic nearly 500 nits, sony 600 nits. i want to demonstrate here, how the number of led zones affects the dimming effect.we have a full black background and now some information displayed on the screen. i will now again turn the light off. here you can see two things well: the text on the samsung and on the sony
appears overexposed at the moment,suggesting that the image brightness of both tvs is better. but to the naked eye here the advantage of this suhd-local dimming solution is obvious, because there is just a relativelyslight halo effect around the text, but a very, very brilliant display. that means, the brightness is now onthe suhd clearly much better than on the sony, so you just have to say thatvery, very small details
are more brilliant and have a higher contrast on the suhd, while on the sony also areas around the text are brightened considerably. here you can clearly see, that this little square, too is most brilliant on the suhd. even with this size is the suhd stillthe most brilliant
and from this point on, now thesony solution scores points, that means, now the sony tv is more brilliantand the samsung tv already dims down. what's quite interesting is the way,the local dimming is modulated via the signal level.i just show you here a very, very dark illuminated area and you can see here, i think,very nice on the samsung, how around those areas of the symbols such fields are generated.
these fields you can see, if for example in a movie a subtitle appears. then you realize that kind ofbrightness overdrive. this is also recognizable with the sony tv, however, significantly reduced, that means, a question to ask would be, how often or how clearly can theintervention of the local dimming be seen? then we'll have to say, it is a bit more discreet
on the sony tv, that means, you more rarely notice how this dimming works, whereas with the suhd of samsung, precisely because these small details are revealed so tremendously brilliant, such effects can occur more often, where you realize where thislocal dimming takes place. you have always to keep in mind: it really is here acontrast enhancement via local dimming you don't have, so to say,
a pixel perfect brightness generation, as is the case with oled, but no matter how many zones there are, in the end it is always a certain area, in which the brightness is adjusted differently and finally is as it were a compromise. here we can once again look at the overallbrilliance, that meansthe color brilliance and the brightness. here you could already tell,that the sony with its enormous peak brightness is so bright now,that we even at
completely dimmed recording can no longer represent these details without overexposure. the difference in brightness is just extreme, even compared to asamsung suhd tv. here we have a scene fromthe movie "interstellar". i'm going to try again,to turn off the light, to give an impression,how the black level performance acts in the movie mode.when we here use the complete
exposure, our camera provides, then you can very well see, that the panasonic on the right shows a comparativelybrightened black level performance. now it gets quite interestingin this constellation with the stars and outer spaceit's just even for the 150 zones of the suhd simply no longer possible, to make a clear distinction. the brightness information are now so filigreeand so close to each other, that even these 150 zones are not sufficient,to draw the universe pitch black now. it is recognizable now
that the image display converge highly compared to the sony tv. only in this bubble,which is there, this black hole, you can recognizes differences in i said, we are here in overexposure.if i dim down now, you notice that in the picturenothing will burn out, but it is really difficult, in practice always to say,"the samsung has the better black level performance"
because it depends on the image. since the sony of course has a much, much higher peak brightness, the eye can also be fooled more easily. from a purely subjective view,it is really very, very difficult, to declare a winner,that means, which display offers unambiguously the higher image contrastin tv or movie mode. here in this setting it can be seen very nice, how limited the number of columnsof the panasonic is. i'm going back in the underexposure thatâ you get an impression that here
in the details nothing burns out. our camera sensor is just limited here. when i go back here in overexposure, then you realize that in principleover the entire width of the image of the panasonic a uniform brightness extends. it is really a priority line dimming here, while with sony and samsung indeed sectors around thewoman are recognizable.
here, in the lateral areas of the image, where now just black is displayed, in fact, the brightness is heavily reduced, while it is not possible with panasonic. here can be seen,as with the samsung tv is attempted to increase this peak brightness in the area of these fireworks. but this in principle provokesthat halo effect, while funnily enough the scene is nowmore comfortable with the sony tv,
because the signal processingchooses to prefer the black level, that means, the fireworks arereduced in the brightness compared to the samsung tv, but this halo effect istherefore suppressed. that makes it justso incredibly difficult, to declare always a clear winner, although on paper it should be aclear-cut matter, that means, the samsung suhd with 150 dimming zones should actually be clearly better. but in practice it is not,
because the sony in return provides a much higher peak brightness and the signal drive followsa different logic. we have of course now just aseen a fraction of what we could be testing for hours or even days. but we can draw a for usvery surprising conclusion: normally, it is assumed,that the development in the area of lcd technology will progressthrough this new hdr format the way more and morelocal dimming zones will be installed. we had already in the past
for example, 512 dimming zones with full-hd televisions, sometimes even more atselected special prototypes. but there is no indication that it will actually come to this development. there are two reasons that contradict. if we compare the samsung tv in the middle with the sony tv on the left,then we have to note objectively, that the greater number of local dimmingzones ensures that
details, that is small luminous dots, can be displayed more brilliant and thatunder certain circumstances, the halo effects may be reduced, but the sony tv offersa significantly higher peak brightness and it also offers the much larger picture. to be fair, we should now place the samsung js9590 in 80 inches next to it. we would then find that ithas even more dimming zones, but it has only half theimage brightness of the sony.
the manufacturers are actually switching over to limit the light output. now it is a relatively simple calculation,that the more led zones are controllable, the more leds are actually installed,and the more leds are installed, the higher is the energy consuption, if really all leds have to operate; what is very, very often the case with full-screen display. in the end you have to ask yourself whether to opt for an extremely highbrightness
and then probably automaticallyruns the risk that the number of zones is not that high, or you can choosejust a very, very high number of zones and are a bit patronized by the manufacturer,who then restrains the brightness. the only reason is namely that the energy efficiency or the energy efficiency logodoesn't score too low. that is, if the manufacturer hadn't install this limiter, then such a display wouldeasily consume 600, 700 watts and would be unsallable so to speak. the difficulty for manufacturersnow seems to be really,
to build an hdr display, that on the one hand providesthis enormous peak brightness. here we have to say that the sony display actually complys 100 percent with the hdr specifications, while even the 65-inch samsung not 100 percent manages this,that means, it is very, very close, but also this display falls short of the targetdefault brightness and the 78-inch samsungeven fails to get close.
on the other hand the samsung suhd tvsmanage the display of small luminous dots much more brilliant and also manage to increase the maximum contrast. therefore, we see basically two developments,which will be there even in the future: there will be manufacturers who install less dimming zones and will probably thereby achieve a higher maximum brightness, while other manufacturers aspire to the highest possible number of dimming zones, to reduce any halo effects orjust to display the details brilliant.
even after days of comparisonswe are not able to say what we like better in the end. many, many pictures just live from avery extensively displayed, high brightness control and there even the panasoniccxw804 series partially outclass the suhds, because there the brightness is relativelymarkedly decreased. i hope we didn't make you too much uncertain by this video. in conclusion, we can say: whether large or small number of dimming zones or oled or led lcd,
in future the display qualitywill dramatically improve, because we have content that on the one hand already requires this high peak brightness, on the other hand all displays are, of course, able to convert this content compatibly, so that you have the subjective feeling that you by now can use this contrast plus. i hope you enjoyed this video. i would be delighted if wemeet again next time. take care.
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